Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year, Fresh Start

Hello my beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous friends. I am taking a moment today, in these last few hours of the year 2011, to write about my resolutions for the upcoming year. A start to a new year is an opportunity for all of us to look back on the year we just had, to review the lessons we have learned and to look at the wonderful things that we have accomplished.
I learned so much in 2011. About myself, about how I see the world, and the people in it. I have loved and lost, had ups and downs, wins and times when I didn't feel even close to winning. But most importantly, 2011 has been an amazing journey. There have been a few things that have come to my attention, especially over the last few months. Many of these things are lessons I have learned in regards to my interactions and associations with other people. They have also taught me many things about myself.
I have learned that keeping a positive view on things is sometimes very hard. I have also learned that keeping this view is the only way that I can effectively pick myself up, dust myself off an try, try again. I have learned that sometimes, caring too much about something gets you burned, but if you choose not to care, things in life hold little meaning.
So I'm still taking the good with the bad, and the bad with the good, but one of my most important goals for this year is to surround myself with positivity and positive people. I have learned first hand how hard it is to remain completely solid on your foundation of beliefs when the people surrounding you call your every action and intention to attention with the worst possible motive. How when people you think you know try to drag you down completely, because their warped and twisted view of the world allows them only to see you in the dark coloured glasses that they choose to wear.
I am done allowing these people to surround me. I am done allowing these people to drag me down. I am done allowing these people to create doubt and question in things I know to be true and pure and beautiful.
I will continue to spread the goodness, happiness and beauty that I see in the world. I will continue to do my best to help people see these things. I will continue to bring hope and encouragement into other's lives and into my own.
I will continue to preach love. I still believe that LOVE is the answer to all. LOVE starts within yourself and spreads from there. LOVE your quirks and your qualms. LOVE your body and your mind and your soul. LOVE who you are, even as you continue to grow and change and LOVE who you have been in the past. Always, always, always spread the love. You are the first step to changing the world. You have in your hands the power to make a difference. Will you choose to take that step?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Inspiration Pay It Forward

"Intense Love does not measure, It simply gives."

"If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning we have got to keep putting oil in it."

"Love begins at home. It is not how much action we do, but rather how much love we put in to the action."
- Mother Teresa

Life is not about success. It is not about how much money you do or do not make, or how far up that ladder you can or cannot climb. Life is about the Journey and how you live it. It's about how many lives you touch, and how you touch them. Our world today is so controlled by all the 'not suppossed tos' or the 'you really shouldn'ts'. How much money you make, and what type of job you work dictates your position in society and how you live your life. But why should it?
I say, it's time to break free from those bonds and to rise up, united, as agents of change. Positive change. An evolution towards a higher state of humanity where it does not matter what your social status, you age, your ranking or your skin colour is. A place where we can all be people, as people.
I am a realist. I realize that this is not a probable state of being. We are too ingrained in society now to expect change of any kind. However, I must reinforce that CHANGE starts within you. As you learn to not only accept, but to see the differences and inequalities in yourself, not as differences and inequalities but as beautiful paradigms of your self, then you can do the same in others as well. Allow your self to bring love, light, positivity and happiness into your own personal life, and soon too you can spread that to others. Allow yourself a few moments of 'weakness' and a few moments of 'strength'. Allow yourself to see that these moments of 'weakness' and 'strength' are neither 'good' nor 'bad' they simply are. Allow them to be as they are, so that you will be allowed the full human experience. Accept the 'good' and the 'bad' as it comes and allow your self to fully feel and experience the aspects of both. For in the 'bad' we shall then learn to appreciate the 'good' and in the 'good' we shall then learn to accept the 'bad'.
As you find this balance within yourself, allow it to be spread to others. All others. Let it spread in a smile and a friendly hello to a stranger on the street, or to a self-less loving gesture to a loved one. Find ways to spread this light, love and happiness without expectation and without condition. Simply allow it to be shared with all, you may be happily surprised with the goodness you will see coming back to you. In all things put out exactly what you wish to recieve back.