Saturday, October 9, 2010


Allowance is an important concept on the road of the spiritaul journey. Allowing things to just be as they are is probably one of the most difficult things to do. It begins inside, within you, as you are. It begins with Honesty. Honesty with yourself is the first step to allowance. Honesty must be obtained in all things, your thoughts, actions, way of existing. You must be willing to allow things to have an honest purpose, whether they are precieved as good or bad, positive or negative. With honesty comes acceptance. Acceptance for these things as they are, acceptance that we cannot control, we cannot force, we cannot bind or hinder the purpose of things. We cannot decide why things are as they are, we cannot decide what things should be. After we have fully accepted honesty, and acceptance, we can then move onto allowance. This is different then acceptance. In allowance we go above accepting things as they are, and actually give them full permission to be as they are, for the purpose they are. We allow everything to be within its purpose, we allow the control to dissipate, we allow the things that are meant for us to resonate within us, we allow change to occur, we allow balance and enlightenment to begin. 

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