What a day yesterday! The horseshow went great, and I can say with great confidence that Arik was the most relaxed, happiest horse there. The equittation class, which was our first of the day, went amazing. Arik was soft, happy and uber responsive. We where given a pattern (Trot down the long side, pick up a left lead canter and commence a figure of eight with your choice of simple or flying changes, return to the judge and halt.) Arik nailed it, I've never had simple changes that where that smooth before. He was so responsive!
Next we had a couple hour break and then a 2'3" hunter class, which wasn't as smooth. I had put his bridle on him, as it is a requirement for hunter. He wasn't jumping all that well, and he ducked out on the #5 fence. I decided after that it was the bridle (we never jump in one because arik doesn't like it, usually using a rope halter, or a hackamore) so I ran back to the trailer and switched to his Hackamore before the next class, which was a 2'6" hunter course. He nailed the course and placed 4th out of 19! Next we had another break, where we watched pole bending over in the western ring. Then came our 2'6" jumper class, He blew the course out of the water, not even looking at the fences that where making older, more experienced horses freak out. We where the first of the class to make it to the jump off, and ended up being only one pair of three who did. After one rail in the jump off, we placed third out of 14 riders. Next came our last class of the day, the 2'9" jumper course. Again Arik nailed the course, again jumping the jumps that had other horses going nuts. (I might mention too, that he had never jumped an entire course at this height before.) Again we where the first team to make it to the jump off (Only one other team made it!). He went clear. I could feel him lagging a bit, so we took it easy, but he jumped his heart out for me and we ended up placing second! It was such a great experience for both of us, and really confirms in my mind that we are on the right path. I think we have both found our passion in the rough and tumble jumper ring, where you can wing it and still make it! We are looking forward to the next adventure!
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